The ONH Systems Company has unique experience in nitrogen membrane units production, which are designed to meet technological needs of the production process. Nitrogen membrane unit is a reliable, low-maintenance and long-lasting nitrogen gas production system. They allow nitrogen gas to be produced from atmospheric air directly on site.

Nitrogen membrane units are stationary systems based on membrane generators for nitrogen production, designed for indoor use. Their operating principle is as follows: cleaned and dried compressed air passes through hollow fiber membranes, in which air separation process takes place – oxygen quickly penetrates through the fiber walls and is released into the atmosphere, while gaseous product nitrogen under pressure is discharged from the opposite side of the membrane. After analyzing for the required oxygen content, the nitrogen is sent to receivers and then directly to the customer’s network.

For various processes where higher pressures are required, the product nitrogen pressure can be raised by compression to 250 bar (exс.).

Technical specifications:

  • Nitrogen purity: up to 99.6 % vol.;
  • Demand: up to 5,000 m3/hour;
  • Pressure: up to 12 bar (exc.);
  • Product gas dew point: < -60 °C.

Nitrogen membrane unit composition:

  • Air compressor;
  • Air dryer;
  • Main filter unit, including carbon column;
  • Nitrogen membrane generator;
  • Nitrogen receiver.

Additional options:

  • Nitrogen booster compressor;
  • Cylinder filling station;
  • Electric air heater;
  • Equipment block container.

Nitrogen membrane unit advantages:

  • Long production period – service life up to 15 years;
  • Low maintenance costs – unlike PSA generators, membrane generators require overhaul twice less often;
  • Low cost of nitrogen produced;
  • Supplied completely pre-assembled;
  • The unit operates in automatic mode with main parameters remote control;
  • Short start-up, required purity reaching and shut-down phases;
  • Take up minimal working space.


  • Petrochemical industry – for enhanced oil recovery during well development, for pipelines and equipment testing and purging;
  • Metallurgy and coke-chemical production – to create inert environment during hardening, annealing, etc.;
  • Mining industry – to create an explosion-proof environment in mines, to expand rock layers;
  • Aviation – nitrogen gas is used to fill aircraft tires;
  • For underbalanced drilling using nitrogen as a formation fluid – during well development and workover, to clean bottomhole formation zone from mechanical impurities;
  • For laser cutting – for metal oxidation protection, cooling and combustion products removal from the cutting zone;
  • To ensure explosion and fire safety in various technological processes, for nitrogen fire extinguishment;
  • Food industry – for packaging and product storage in a nitrogen environment.

Warranty on equipment supplied up to 24 months.

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