The ONH Systems Company designs containerised membrane units for nitrogen production under conditions when stationary systems installation is unavailable. This type of units is a fully ready-to-operate equipment and represents a single module, which contains all technological elements necessary for nitrogen production from atmospheric air. Containerised units ensure uninterrupted equipment operation in any climate conditions as well as in regions with high seismic activity.

Containerised membrane nitrogen stations are an excellent solution for production facilities where nitrogen is regularly required. Autonomous equipment ensures uninterrupted operation and offers high reliability and long operating period. Container dimensions allow unobstructed transportation by road, rail or sea.

Technical specifications:

  • Purity: up to 99.6 % vol;
  • Demand: up to 5,000 m³/hour;
  • Pressure: up to 12 bar ( ex.);
  • Product gas dew point: < -60 °C.

The main equipment of the containerised nitrogen unit is:

  • Compression system and block container utilities;
  • Air compressor;
  • Air dryer;
  • Mainline filtration unit, including carbon column;
  • Membrane nitrogen generator;
  • Produced gas receiver;
  • Block container equipped with temperature and ventilation control, power supply, working area air control, as well as fire alarm and lighting systems.

The unit can be additionally equipped with following options:

  • Remote unit control;
  • Booster nitrogen compressor;
  • Cylinder filling station;
  • Electric air heater.

Containerised nitrogen unit advantages:

  • Low nitrogen production cost due to low operating costs;
  • Easy to install – ready for start-up as soon as the power supply and consumer’s gas networks are connected;
  • Long production period – operating period of up to 15 years;
  • Low operating costs – in contrast to the PSA generator, membrane generators require overhaul twice less often.
  • Short system start-up and shutdown phase;
  • No capital construction costs, only a foundation is needed to install the container;
  • Mobility. Possibility to move equipment to another site;
  • Operation does not depend on weather conditions, the station is operable from -50 to +50°С;
  • Nitrogen units in a container are equipped with reliable fire and security alarm systems;
  • Free access to all technological line elements inside the container;
  • Automatic operation of the unit with main parameters remote control.


  • Petrochemical industry – to increase oil recovery during well development, for pipelines and equipment testing and purging;
  • Metallurgy and coke-chemical production – for inert media creation during hardening, annealing, etc;
  • Mining industry – for explosion-proof environment creating in mines, for rock strata expansion;
  • Aviation – gaseous nitrogen is used to inflate aircraft tyres;
  • Drilling under depression conditions using nitrogen as a formation fluid – during well development and repair, to clean the bottom-hole formation zone from mechanical impurities;
  • Laser cutting – to protect metal from oxidation, to cool it and remove combustion products from the cutting zone;
  • To ensure explosion and fire safety in various technological processes, for nitrogen fire extinguishing;
  • Food industry – for products packaging and storage in nitrogen environment;
  • Mining industry – to create an explosion-proof environment in mines, for rock strata expansion.

Warranty for equipment supplied up to 24 months.

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