Nitrogen adsorption generator is a machine that allows to obtain nitrogen from air by short-cycle adsorption. It is used in industries where high purity – up to 99.999 % – gas is required.

The ONH Systems Company manufactures equipment taking into account Russian and European standards and utilises the latest technological developments. Our staff includes professionals with more than 10 years of experience in PSA-based plants manufacturing (Pressure Swing Adsorption technology).

You get a complete turnkey and customised engineering solution. The design allows you to develop and install nitrogen facilities of various capacities to meet the needs of your enterprise. We provide equipment warranty – up to 24 months.

Technical specifications

Main technical parameters of the equipment manufactured:

  1. Purity: from 95.0 to 99.999 % vol. N2.
  2. Pressure: up to 15 bar.
  3. Demand: from 1 to 835 m3/hour.
  4. Compressed gas dew point: < -40 °C.

Our nitrogen generators are energy efficient and have a long service life.

Operating principle

Nitrotec/Nitrostrong adsorption generators consist of two separation columns (adsorbers) filled with carbon molecular sieve. Compressed air enters the column and is separated into components under pressure. Nitrogen is delivered to the consumer. The remaining gases are gradually retained by the adsorbent in the column.

You can get the nitrogen generator operating principle overview via schematic diagram:

For nitrogen production by Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA), a molecular sieve is used, which is specially structured and has a large number of pores of the required size.

The equipment operates as follows:

  1. Molecular sieve is used as an adsorbent. It has an unlimited service life if the incoming compressed air is filtered properly.
  2. Two columns operate in parallel (one in operation and one in regeneration mode). This ensures virtually uninterrupted nitrogen production.
  3. Oxygen molecules are trapped in the pores of the granules, releasing nitrogen molecules.
  4. Nitrogen separation from the air results from the oxygen adsorption of molecular granules.

What the nitrogen generator consists of?

Main components:

  • adsorbers;
  • pneumatic valve system;
  • automatic control system;
  • shut-off and control fittings;
  • control equipment.

ONH Systems equipment advantages

You get a technological solution for nitrogen production from inorganic, versatile and free raw material – air. Your benefits:

Reduced operating costs Producing the exact amount of nitrogen required on site will save you costs associated with external supplies. Most of our customers recover their investment within 2 years.
Enhanced safety No need to work with heavy cylinders, no high pressure.
No logistical limitations Save time by avoiding repetitive logistics procedures – orders, delivery notes, invoices, logistics management.
Uninterrupted nitrogen supply The generator will provide an unlimited nitrogen supply on site.
Care for the environment Harmful effects are reduced by avoiding nitrogen transportation by road.

Nitrostrong and Nitrotec nitrogen adsorption generators

If you contact ONH Systems Company, you can purchase Nitrostrong and Nitrotec adsorption nitrogen generator (price is available upon your request). The units operate using Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology. It is used for air gases static separation by means of a special molecular sieve which adsorbs oxygen under pressure.

Model series

Model Demand 95 % 96 % 97 % 98 % 99 % 99,5 % 99,9 % 99,95 %
500 ppm
99,99 %
100 ppm
50 ppm
99,999 %
10 ppm
Nitrotec 3 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 8,34 7,61 6,80 5,91 4,70 4,05 3,00 2,59 1,86 1,46 1,05
Nitrotec 5 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 13,91 12,69 11,34 9,86 7,83 6,75 5,00 4,32 3,11 2,43 1,76
Nitrotec 7 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 19,47 17,77 15,88 13,80 10,96 9,45 6,99 6,05 4,35 3,40 2,46
Nitrotec 10 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 27,81 25,38 22,68 19,71 15,66 13,50 9,99 8,64 6,21 4,86 3,51
Nitrotec 15 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 41,72 38,07 34,02 29,57 23,49 20,25 14,99 12,96 9,32 7,29 5,27
Nitrotec 20 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 55,62 50,76 45,36 39,42 31,32 27,00 19,98 17,28 12,42 9,72 7,02
Nitrotec 25 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 69,53 63,45 56,70 49,28 39,15 33,75 24,98 21,60 15,53 12,15 8,78
Nitrotec 30 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 83,43 76,14 68,04 59,13 46,98 40,50 29,97 25,92 18,63 14,58 10,53
Nitrotec 40 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 111,24 101,52 90,72 78,84 62,64 54,00 39,96 34,56 24,84 19,44 14,04
Nitrotec 50 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 139,05 126,90 113,40 98,55 78,30 67,50 49,95 43,20 31,05 24,30 17,55
Nitrotec 75 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 208,58 190,35 170,10 147,83 117,45 101,25 74,93 64,80 46,58 36,45 26,33
Nitrotec 100 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 278,10 253,80 226,80 197,10 156,60 135,00 99,90 86,40 62,10 48,60 35,10
Nitrotec 125 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 347,63 317,25 283,50 246,38 195,75 168,75 124,88 108,00 77,63 60,75 43,88
Nitrotec 150 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 417,15 380,70 340,20 295,65 234,90 202,50 149,85 129,60 93,15 72,90 52,65
Nitrotec 175 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 486,68 444,15 396,90 344,93 274,05 236,25 174,83 151,20 108,68 85,05 61,43
Nitrotec 200 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 556,20 507,60 453,60 394,20 313,20 270,00 199,80 172,80 124,20 97,20 70,20
Nitrotec 225 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 625,73 571,05 510,30 443,48 352,35 303,75 224,78 194,40 139,73 109,35 78,98
Nitrotec 250 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 695,25 634,50 567,00 492,75 391,50 337,50 249,75 216,00 155,25 121,50 87,75
Nitrotec 300 nitrogen adsorption generator m3/hour 834,30 761,40 680,40 591,30 469,80 405,00 299,70 259,20 186,30 145,80 105,30


Nitrogen generators are widely used in such industries as:

  • agriculture and food processing industry;
  • oil industry;
  • gas injection moulding (GAIM);
  • pharmaceutical industry;
  • power industry;
  • electronics industry;
  • mining industry;
  • metallurgy.

How to make an order?

For adsorption generator purchase and exact price, please call +7 (495) 150-44-22 or send your technical specifications to info@onhs.ru. You can also submit an application form on the website or order a callback. We select equipment in accordance with the client’s tasks. We offer additional options, depending on operating conditions and customer preferences. We realise turnkey engineering solutions: from design to commissioning and subsequent maintenance. We organise equipment delivery to the site.

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