Nitrogen Generation Units
Adsorption Nitrogen Units

Model range specifications:

  • Purity: from 95.0 to 99.999 % vol N2;
  • Demand: from 1 to 835 m³/hour;
  • Pressure: up to 15 bar;
  • Compressed gas dew point: < -40 °C.

Nitrogen generating unit’s main equipment:

  • Air compressor;
  • Air dryer;
  • Air treatment system;
  • Air receiver;
  • Nitrogen generator;
  • Nitrogen receiver.

Warranty for equipment supplied up to 24 months.

Nitrogen Generation Units
Containerised Adsorption Nitrogen Units

Model range specifications:

  • Purity: from 95.0 to 99.999 % vol N2;
  • Demand: from 1 to 835 m³/hour;
  • Pressure: up to 15 bar;
  • Compressed gas dew point: < -40 °C.

Containerised nitrogen generating unit’s main equipment:

  • Air compressor;
  • Air dryer;
  • Air treatment system;
  • Air receiver;
  • Nitrogen Generator;
  • Nitrogen receiver;
  • Block container equipped with temperature and ventilation control, power supply, working area air control, as well as fire alarm and lighting systems.

Warranty for equipment supplied up to 24 months.

Nitrogen Generation Units
Containerised Membrane Nitrogen Units

Model range specifications:

  • Purity: up to 99.6 % vol;
  • Demand: up to 5,000 m³/hour;
  • Pressure: up to 12 bar ( ex.);
  • Product gas dew point: < -60 °C.

Containerised nitrogen generating unit’s main equipment:

  • Compression system and  container block utilities;
  • Air compressor;
  • Air dryer;
  • Mainline filtration unit, including carbon column;
  • Membrane nitrogen generator;
  • Produced gas receiver;
  • Container block equipped with temperature and ventilation control, power supply, working area air control, as well as fire alarm and lighting systems.

Warranty for equipment supplied up to 24 months.

Nitrogen generating units are complex equipment for nitrogen production from atmospheric air. The ONH Systems Company offers two types of units – membrane and adsorption, differing by final product generation method. To provide large volumes of gas under various conditions, you can order containerised and mobile systems at our company. We produce equipment taking both Russian and European specific standards into account. We manufacture units according to individual customer’s requirements. We organise equipment delivery to your enterprise in the shortest possible time, carry out commissioning, technical and service maintenance.

Nitrogen generating unit design

Equipment composition:

  1. Input-distribution device electrical cabinet – distributes and controls the incoming current.
  2. Air compressor – required to compress atmospheric air and supply it to nitrogen generator.
  3. Cyclone separator – removes water-oil condensate from incoming air mixture and simplifies further drying process.
  4. Refrigeration dryer – removes moisture from compressed air by freezing it.
  5. Air receiver – equalises pressure surges before the mixture is fed to the generator.
  6. Mainline air filters – clean pneumatic flow.
  7. Nitrogen generator – operates using Pressure Swing Adsorption or membrane separation principles.
  8. Nitrogen receiver – equalises generator downstream pressure and creates a nitrogen reserve.
  9. Switching device – directs – distributes medium flow.
  10. Cylinder filling station.
  11. Discharge cylinder ramp – ensures continuous gas delivery while stabilising the pressure to the required level.
  12. Refuelling cylinder ramp – designed to connect a group of cylinders.




Nitrogen generating units operation principle

The equipment operates as follows:

  1. Molecular sieve is used as an adsorbent. Lifetime is unlimited if incoming compressed air filtration is properly organised.
  2. Oxygen molecules are trapped in granules pores, releasing nitrogen molecules.
  3. Two columns operate in parallel (one in operation, another in regeneration mode). This ensures almost continuous nitrogen production.
  4. Nitrogen is separated from the air due to oxygen adsorption by molecular granules.


Technical specifications

Model Demand 95 96 97 98 99 99,5 99,9 99,95 %,
500 ppm
99,99 %,
100 ppm
50 ppm
99,999 %,
10 ppm
Nitrostrong 3 m³/hour 8,34 7,61 6,80 5,91 4,70 4,05 3,00 2,59 1,86 1,46 1,05
Nitrostrong 5 m³/hour 13,91 12,69 11,34 9,86 7,83 6,75 5,00 4,32 3,11 2,43 1,76
Nitrostrong 7 m³/hour 19,47 17,77 15,88 13,80 10,96 9,45 6,99 6,05 4,35 3,40 2,46
Nitrostrong 10 m³/hour 27,81 25,38 22,68 19,71 15,66 13,50 9,99 8,64 6,21 4,86 3,51
Nitrostrong 15 m³/hour 41,72 38,07 34,02 29,57 23,49 20,25 14,99 12,96 9,32 7,29 5,27
Nitrostrong 20 m³/hour 55,62 50,76 45,36 39,42 31,32 27,00 19,98 17,28 12,42 9,72 7,02
Nitrostrong 25 m³/hour 69,53 63,45 56,70 49,28 39,15 33,75 24,98 21,60 15,53 12,15 8,78
Nitrostrong 30 m³/hour 83,43 76,14 68,04 59,13 46,98 40,50 29,97 25,92 18,63 14,58 10,53
Nitrostrong 40 m³/hour 111,24 101,52 90,72 78,84 62,64 54,00 39,96 34,56 24,84 19,44 14,04
Nitrostrong 50 m³/hour 139,05 126,90 113,40 98,55 78,30 67,50 49,95 43,20 31,05 24,30 17,55
Nitrostrong 75 m³/hour 208,58 190,35 170,10 147,83 117,45 101,25 74,93 64,80 46,58 36,45 26,33
Nitrostrong 100 m³/hour 278,10 253,80 226,80 197,10 156,60 135,00 99,90 86,40 62,10 48,60 35,10
Nitrostrong 125 m³/hour 347,63 317,25 283,50 246,38 195,75 168,75 124,88 108,00 77,63 60,75 43,88
Nitrostrong 150 m³/hour 417,15 380,70 340,20 295,65 234,90 202,50 149,85 129,60 93,15 72,90 52,65
Nitrostrong 175 m³/hour 486,68 444,15 396,90 344,93 274,05 236,25 174,83 151,20 108,68 85,05 61,43
Nitrostrong 200 m³/hour 556,20 507,60 453,60 394,20 313,20 270,00 199,80 172,80 124,20 97,20 70,20
Nitrostrong 225 m³/hour 625,73 571,05 510,30 443,48 352,35 303,75 224,78 194,40 139,73 109,35 78,98
Nitrostrong 250 m³/hour 695,25 634,50 567,00 492,75 391,50 337,50 249,75 216,00 155,25 121,50 87,75
Nitrostrong 300 m³/hour 834,30 761,40 680,40 591,30 469,80 405,00 299,70 259,20 186,30 145,80 105,30

Nitrogen production technologies

For large enterprises and laboratory environments, three following methodologies are used:

  1. Cryogenic – nitrogen is separated at boiling point between constituent components difference. Method’s main advantage is high purity gas in liquid state obtaining. Among disadvantages are bulky equipment, its cost, system quick start-up and shutdown impossibility, personnel presence necessity and rather high power consumption.
  2. Adsorption – method is based on size difference between nitrogen and oxygen molecules. Provides stable nitrogen purity up to 99.999%. Adsorption-type nitrogen equipment is practically universal for various applications. It is characterised by low sensitivity to compressed air temperature and wear resistance. Adsorbent has a service life of 15 years and is more affordable than membranes. Among technology comparative disadvantages are calculated nitrogen purity change complexity, construction complexity due to numerous valves, low adaptability for inclusion into mobile nitrogen unit, as it is more suitable for containerised design.
  3. Membrane – method provides the compressed air is separated into components. Method’s advantages include: vapour moisture in the compressed air does not affect membranes functioning; purity and capacity easy control, simple design with minimum moving parts. Purity rate rarely exceeds 99.5 %; to produce higher percentage, equipment often becomes uneconomical as it requires more compressed air. Membranes are too sensitive to high temperatures and must be replaced frequently – every 5 years.

The ONH Systems Company offers to purchase:

Adsorption nitrogen units

  1. A compressor pressurises air to a pressure of 10 bar or higher.
  2. A refrigeration or adsorption dryer dries the air mixture and it is further filtered before being fed into one of the adsorbers.
  3. An adsorber traps oxygen and other components, and nitrogen of required purity is delivered to customer.

Membrane nitrogen units

  1. Compressed air from compressor is fed to an air treatment system where it is cleaned of moisture, oil and mechanical impurities.
  2. An air mixture is transferred to an electric heater to provide it with optimum temperature.
  3. The heated air mixture passes to gas separation modules where nitrogen is separated.

Design options

Nitrogen units can be manufactured in several different types:

  1. Stationary – to be installed on a common frame and placed in a heated premises.
  2. Block-modular – equipment installation in an all-metal container for use at different temperatures, including severe northern conditions with slides.
  3. Mobile – unit equipment on a chassis or trailer in special containers with autonomous power plants.

Nitrogen generating units advantages

We manufacture modern high-tech nitrogen units and plants developed in-house. We carry out complex turnkey projects. We advise on technical specification development. When purchasing ONH Systems equipment, you get the following advantages:

  1. Cost reduction. Energy and maintenance costs for nitrogen generating unit are minimised.
  2. Increased safety. No more need to transport heavy pressurised cylinders.
  3. Uninterrupted nitrogen supply. You are not dependent on external supplies and receive required gas volumes on site.
  4. Environmentally friendly. Environmental impact is reduced by avoiding nitrogen transportation by road.

How to purchase?

To get the price and to purchase a nitrogen generating unit, please contact us by phone given on this website. Warranty for equipment supplied up to 24 months.

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