In hydrogen production, water electrolysis technology is widely used to produce hydrogen of high purity. Hydrogen production by water electrolysis is a technology that has proven its efficiency and reliability. Generator operation principle is based on water electrochemical decomposition into its basic elements due to direct current flowing through electrodes immersed into alkaline medium.

An electrolysis unit has a modular type of construction. The hydrogen generator consists of: electrolyser, separation unit, hydrogen purification unit. Depending on unit capacity, a number of electrolysis units varies. The hydrogen amount released on electrodes depends directly on the current amount flowing through the unit.

The hydrogen generation process starts with water treatment, as the entire hydrogen generation system’s lifetime depends on water treatment quality. Inside the chamber, pure water and potassium hydroxide (KOH) are prepared and mixed to produce a functional electrolyte that minimises electrical resistance and allows solution electrolysis to begin. The electrolysis products are hydrogen and oxygen. Gases are then piped separately to corresponding separators, where gas bubbles are extracted from the electrolyte, the gas is collected at a vessel top and flows to flushing columns. In the washing columns, by means of demineralised water, gases are additionally cleaned from residual alkali, cooled in coolers and fed to an adsorption dryer, where moisture is separated to a dew point of -70 °C, after which the hydrogen can be sent to consumers.


  • Pure hydrogen production (up to 99.5% without after-treatment systems);
  • Transportation and operation convenience;
  • Long service life – up to 20 years;
  • Generator has compact dimensions allowing to place equipment into a container;
  • Maximum factory readiness of the equipment delivered;
  • Alkaline solution is prepared on site and does not require complex technology;
  • Cheapness and ease of operation when compared to other on-site hydrogen production methods – no need to carefully monitor water composition.

Technical Specifications:

1.    Demand Nm³/hour from 1 to 250 and more
2.    H2 purity % vol. up to 99,999
3.    Output pressure bar (ex.) up to 30
4.    Gas dew point °С up to -70

Generator (Unit) Composition:

  • Electrolytic cell;
  • Hydrogen after-treatment and after-drying system;
  • Hydrogen generator chiller;
  • Water treatment system;
  • Demineralised water tank;
  • Automated control system;
  • Hydrogen distribution system.

Additional Equipment:

  • Hydrogen generator can be equipped with an external hydrogen leakage sensor;
  • Block container;
  • Remote control and monitoring system.
Alkaline Electrolysers

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